Digital transformation in banking industry entails new risks and, at the same time, opens up to new opportunities. Considering the progressive rationalization of branches network, the direct channel boost and the home banking management through apps, digital is more and more directly affecting the business models. Alongside this, the increasing of Risk Management criticalities requires more accurate non-performing loans (NPL) valuations and consequent analysis.

Datlas team has a specific experience in banking industry, both in private and retail banking, with a suite of dedicated solutions and services.

  • Current account, personal loans, leasing, mortgage contract management
  • Inbound customer communication management
  • Outbound customer communication management
  • Centralized MailRoom or digital and paper flow management
  • Storage system for banking transactions (credit card payments)
  • Complaint handling
  • Fraud detection process management, aimed at verifying credit lending (within 60 seconds)
  • Neural network management to check the Identity Trust

Discover our services

Digital Mailroom
Digital Mailroom
Robotic Process Automation
Robotic Process Automation
Vertical Backoffice
Vertical Backoffice
Document Warehouse
Document Warehouse
Digital Signature
Digital Signature
Customer Communications Management
Customer Communications Management